We work for and with the patient

Top Doctors® is the world leader in identifying top level doctors. We are the only company to help patients find the best doctor in each speciality. We have had a rigorous selection process for 25 years - a system that is so demanding that only 1 in 5 doctors has sufficient merit to become part of Top Doctors®.

Our objective is to guarantee that the best doctors are available to everyone and that our medical information is rigorous and reliable.

Our mission

  • To bring together, under the Top Doctors® seal of quality, the most select circle of medical professionals, with a commitment to guaranteeing that patients get a quality service.
  • To provide our patients with the most up-to-date, dependable and reliable medical information.
  • To be a support point - a trustworthy group which is synonymous with excellence for both patients and doctors.

Our vision

To be the world’s medical team of reference in private medicine for patients and doctors.

Our values

To do our work with the passion, dedication and rigorousness needed to fulfil our mission.

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