Farsightedness is an eye disorder that causes see distant objects clearly and fuzzy close. Hyperopia people perceive in different ways. Some people may not have any problems with your vision, especially when they are young and others with a high degree of farsightedness, experience blurry both at a close distance as far vision. The continuous effort to try to focus on objects up close, can cause symptoms such as eyestrain, itchy eyes and headaches. In patients with hyperopia, the image is viewed from behind the retina instead of directly on it, unlike what happens in an emmetropic patient without graduation. The hyperopic eye patient because it is shorter than usual, or because the optical power of the lens and / or your cornea is lower than normal.
Farsightedness is an eye disorder that causes see distant objects clearly and fuzzy close. Hyperopia people perceive in different ways. Some people may not have any problems with your vision, especially when they are young and others with a high degree of farsightedness, experience blurry both at a close distance as far vision. The continuous effort to try to focus on objects up close, can cause symptoms such as eyestrain, itchy eyes and headaches. In patients with hyperopia, the image is viewed from behind the retina instead of directly on it, unlike what happens in an emmetropic patient without graduation. The hyperopic eye patient because it is shorter than usual, or because the optical power of the lens and / or your cornea is lower than normal.
¿Qué es la hipermetropía y cómo se corrige?
By Dr. Daniel González González
El Dr. Daniel González explica qué es y en qué consiste la hipermetropía, un defecto refractivo que hace que la visión cercana empeore notablemente. Los síntomas más habituales de este problema son el dolor de cabeza, una visión borrosa de los objetos cercanos, la fatiga ocular, el estrabismo y un enrojecimiento de los ojos. See more
Importancia de corregir a tiempo la hipermetropía en niños
By Dr. Julián Cezón Prieto
La hipermetropía es un defecto refractivo que impide el enfoque correcto de objetos cercanos. Si no se corrige a tiempo en los más pequeños puede afectar al desarrollo de la retina. El Dr. Cezón, oftalmólogo, explica cómo tratarla en niños y adultos. See more
Causas de la hipermetropía
By Dr. Oscar Buchacra Castellano
La hipermetropía es un defecto refractivo que afecta a aproximadamente a un 20 por ciento de la población. See more
Lentes ICL: ¿quién es el paciente ideal?
By Dr. Carlos Martín Calvo
El Dr. Martín Calvo, reconocido experto en Oftalmología con amplia experiencia en el tratamiento de los defectos refractivos, nos explica qué son la lentes ICL, qué pacientes son aptos para aplicárselas y cuál es su mantenimiento y resultados. See more
Experts in Farsightedness
Dr. Francesc Duch Mestres
OphthalmologyExpert in:
- Laser Refractive Surgery
- Intraocular Lenses
- Astigmatism
- Farsightedness
- Myopia
- Presbyopia
Dr. Joan Prat Bartomeu
Pediatric OphthalmologyExpert in:
- Droppy eyelid (Ptosis)
- Strabismus
- Nystagmus (uncontrolled eye movement)
- Myopia
- Farsightedness
- Lazy eye (amblyopia)
Dr. Honorio Barranco González
OphthalmologyExpert in:
- Strabismus
- Dry Eye
- Cataracts
- Optic neuritis
- Farsightedness
Dr. Luis Salvà Ladaria
OphthalmologyExpert in:
- Laser Refractive Surgery
- Cataracts
- Myopia
- Presbyopia
- Farsightedness
- Intraocular Lenses
Dr. Miguel March Balle
OphthalmologyExpert in:
- Cataracts
- Laser Refractive Surgery
- Myopia
- Astigmatism
- Farsightedness
- See all
Miranza COI
Miranza COI
C/ Rodríguez Arias, 6-2º (Edificio Carlton)
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Oftalmedic Salvà - Clínica Salvà
Oftalmedic Salvà - Clínica Salvà
Camí de son Rapinya, 1
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Centre Oftalmològic del Maresme
Centre Oftalmològic del Maresme
Carrer de la Riera, 31
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Miranza COI
C/ Rodríguez Arias, 6-2º (Edificio Carlton), BilboExpert in:
- Cataracts
- Laser eye surgery
- Refractive laser surgery
- Ophthalmology
- Pediatric Ophthalmology
- Optometry
Oftalmedic Salvà - Clínica Salvà
Camí de son Rapinya, 1, Palma de MallorcaExpert in:
- Oculoplastics surgery
- Laser eye surgery
- Eye Microsurgery
- Ophthalmology
- Pediatric Ophthalmology
- Retina and Vitreous
Centre Oftalmològic del Maresme
Carrer de la Riera, 31, MataróExpert in:
- Cataracts
- Glaucoma
- Ophthalmology
- Optometry
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