Publicaciones y conferencias
• Traycoff R, Pascual E, Schumacher R. Identification of mononuclear cells in human synovial fluid. Arthritis Rheum l976,19:743-748.• Ponente en múltiples cursos y conferencias sobre Reumatología.
• Pascual E. Joint size influences on the leukocyte count of inflamma¬tory synovial fluids. Br J Rheumatol 1989;28:28-30.• Ruiz MT, Pascual E, Balaguer E, Pascual E. Patient under¬standing of the causes and medical treatment of rheumatic dise-ases in Spain. Brit J Rheumatol 1989;28:365-366.• Pascual E, Tovar J, Ruiz MT. The ordinary light micros¬cope: an appropriate tool for the detection and identifica¬tion of crystals in synovial fluid. Ann Rheum Dis 1989;48:983-985.• Pascual E. Persistence of monosodium urate crystals, and low grade inflam¬mation in the synovial fluid of untreated gout. Arthritis Rheum 1991;34:141-145.• Pascual E, Castellano JA. Treatment with colchicine decreases the white cell counts in the synovial fluid of asymp¬tomatic knees that contain monosodium urate crystals. J Rheuma¬tol 1992;19:600-603.• Pascual E. Hyperuricemia and gout. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1994;6:454-458.• Pascual E, Jovaní V. A Quantitative study of the phagocyto¬sis of urate crystals in the synovial fluid of asymptomatic joints of patients with gout. Br J Rheumatol 1995;34:724-726.• Pascual E. The diagnosis of gout and CPPD crystal arthropathy. (Editorial) Br J Rheumatol 1996;35:306-308.• Batlle-Gualda E, Carro-Martínez A, Alfayate Guerra R, Pascual E. Urinary albumin excretion in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus without renal disease. Ann Rheum Dis 1997;56:386-389.• Salinas M, Rosas J, Iborra J, Manero H, Pascual E. Comparison of manual and automated cell counts in EDTA preserved Synovial fluids. Storage has little influence on the results. Ann Rheum Dis 1997;56:622-626.• Dieppe P, Pascual E, Swann A. The identification of crystals in synovial fluids. the EULAR quality control initiative. (Editorial) Rheumatol Eur 1997;26:74-75.• Pascual E, Ordóñez S. Orderly arrayed deposit of urate crystals in gout suggest epitaxial formation. Ann Rheum Dis 1998;57:255.• Ivorra J, Rosas E, Pascual E. Most calcium pyrophosphate crystals appear as non-birefringent. Ann Rheum Dis 1999;58:582-584.• Pascual E, Batlle-Gualda E, Martínez A, Rosas J, Vela P. Synovial Fluid analysis for diagnosis of intercritical gout. Ann Intern Med 1999; 131:756-759.• Pascual E. Gout update: from lab to the clinic and back. Curr Op Rheumatol 2000;12:213-218.• Roldan V, Marco P, Fernandez C, Pascual E. Levels of tissue factor pathway inhibitor in lupus patients correlate with lupus activity and endothelial damage markers. Haematologica 2002;87:1231-1232.• Pascual E, Pedraz T. Gout. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2004;16:282-286.• Pascual E, Jovani V. Synovial fluid analysis. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2005;19:371-386.• Lumbreras B, Pascual E, Frasquet J, González-Salinas J, Rodríguez E, Hernández-Aguado I. Analysis for crystals in synovial fluid: training of the analysts results in high consistency. Ann Rheum Dis 2005;64:612-615.• Martinez-Sanchis A, Pascual E. Intracellular and extracellular CPPD crystals are a regular feature in synovial fluid from uninflamed joints of patients with CPPD related arthropathy. Ann Rheum Dis 2005;64:1769-1772.• Pascual E, Perdiguero M. Gout, diuretics and the kidney. (Editorial) Ann Rheum Dis 2006;65:981-2.• Zhang W, Doherty M, Pascual E, et al. EULAR evidence based recommendations for gout - Part I Diagnosis: Report of a task force of the Standing Committee for International Clinical Studies Including Therapeutics(ESCISIT). Ann Rheum Dis 2006;65:1312-1324.• Grassi W, Menga G, Pascual E, Filipucci E. "Crystal Clear"-Sonographic Assessment of Gout and Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease. Semin Arthritis Rheum 2006 36:197-202.• Pascual E, Sivera F. Therapeutic advances in gout. Curr Opin Rheumatol 2007;19:122-127.• Pascual E, Sivera F. Why should be gout so poorly treated? (Editorial) Ann Rheum Dis 2007;66:1269-1270.• Pascual E, Sivera F. The time required for disappearance of urate crystals from synovial fluid after successful hypouricemic treatment relates to the duration of gout. Ann Rheum Dis 2007;66:1056-8.• Sivera F, Aragón R, Pascual E. First metatarsophalangeal joint aspiration using a 29-Gauge needle. Ann Rheum Dis 2008;67 273-275.• Pascual E, Sivera F. Gout: new advances in the diagnosis and management of an old disease. Int J Clin Rheumatol 2009;4:203-220.• Pascual E, Sivera F, Andrés M. Synovial Fluid Analysis for Crystals. Curr Op Rheumatol 2011;23:161-169.• Zhang W, Doherty M, Bardin T, Barskova V, Guerne PA, Jansen TL, Leeb BF, Perez-Ruiz F, Pimentao J, Punzi L, Richette P, Sivera F, Uhlig T, Watt I, Pascual E. European League Against Rheumatism recommendations for calcium pyrophosphate deposition. Part I: terminology and diagnosis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2011;70:563-70.• Zhang W, Doherty M, Pascual E, V, Guerne PA, Jansen TL, Leeb BF, Perez-Ruiz F, Pimentao J, Punzi L, Richette P, Sivera F, Uhlig T, Watt I, Bardin T. EULAR recommendations for calcium pyrophosphate deposition. Part II: management. Ann Rheum Dis. 2011;70:571-5.• Sivera F, Andres M, Pascual E. Calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition. International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 2011;6:677-688.• Doherty M, Jansen TL, Nuki G, Pascual E, Perez-Ruiz F, Punzi L, So AK, Bardin T. Gout: why is this curable disease so seldom cured? Ann Rheum Dis. 2012 ;71(11):1765-70.• Pascual E, Martínez A, Ordóñez S. Gout: The mechanism of urate crystal nucleation and growth. A hypothesis based in facts. Joint Bone Spine. 2013;80:1-4.• Andrés M, Pascual E. Anakinra for a refractory case of intermittent hydrarthrosis with a TRAPS-related gene mutation. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013 ;72(1):155.• Pascual E, Andrés M, Vela P. Criteria for gout diagnosis? J Rheumatol. 2013;40:356-8. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.130001. PubMed PMID: 23547255.• Andrés M, Vela P, Volar LC, Avilés Y, Pascual E. Back pain due to lumbar gouty flare -- a prospective diagnosis. J Rheumatol. 2013;40:1459-60.• Pascual E, Andrés M, Vela P. Gout treatment: should we aim for rapid crystal dissolution? Ann Rheum Dis. 2013;72:635-7.• Andres M, Sivera F, Pascual E. Rapid crystal dissolution in gout: is it feasible and advisable? International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 2014;9:395-401.• Vela P, Pascual E. Images in clinical medicine. An unusual tophus. N Engl J Med. 2015;372:e6.• Pascual E, Addadi L, Andrés M, Sivera F. Mechanisms of crystal formation in gout-a structural approach. Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2015;11:725-30.• Pascual E. Lowering serum uric acid in the management of gout. Hosp Pharm Eur 2016;83 (Autumn):45-47.• Andrés M, Quintanilla MA, Sivera F, Sánchez-Payá J, Pascual E, Vela P, Ruiz-Nodar JM. Silent monosodium urate crystals deposits associate with severe coronary calcification in asymptomatic hyperuricemia: "An exploratory study". Arthritis Rheumatol. 2016 Jun;68(6):1531-9.• Sivera F, Andres M, Pascual E. Gout mimicking rheumatoid arthritis. SeminArthritis Rheum. 2016 Jun;45(6):e28.• Bernal JA, Quilis N, Andrés M, Sivera F, Pascual E. Gout: optimizing treatment to achieve a disease cure. Ther Adv Chronic Dis. 2016 Mar;7(2):135-44.• Sivera F, Andrés M, Pascual E. Current advances in therapies for calcium pyrophosphate crystal arthritis. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2016 Mar;28(2):140-4.• Pascual E, Andrés M, Vázquez-Mellado J, Dalbeth N. Severe gout: Strategies and innovations for effective management. Joint Bone Spine. 2017;84:541-546.• Jovaní V, Blasco-Blasco M, Ruiz-Cantero MT, Pascual E. Understanding How the Diagnostic Delay of Spondyloarthritis Differs Between Women and Men: A Systematic Review and Metaanalysis. J Rheumatol. 2017.• Richette P, Doherty M, Pascual E, Barskova V, Becce F, Castañeda-Sanabria J, Coyfish M, Guillo S, Jansen TL, Janssens H, Lioté F, Mallen C, Nuki G, Perez-Ruiz F, Pimentao J, Punzi L, Pywell T, So A, Tausche AK, Uhlig T, Zavada J, Zhang W, Tubach F, Bardin T. 2016 updated EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the management of gout. Ann Rheum Dis. 2017;76:29-42.• Andrés M, Bernal JA, Sivera F, Quilis N, Carmona L, Vela P, Pascual E. Cardiovascular risk of patients with gout seen at rheumatology clinics following a structured assessment. Ann Rheum Dis. 2017; 76:1263-1268.• Quintanilla MA, Andrés M, Pascual E, Pallarés V, Fácila L, Morillas P; FAPRES Research Group. Inflammatory status and uricaemia determine HDL-cholesterol levels in hypertensive adults over 65: an analysis of the FAPRES regster. Rheumatol Int. 2017;37:941-948.• Quilis N, Andrés M, Vela P, Pascual E. Interleukin-6 pathway blockade as an option for managing refractory cases of crystal arthritis: Two cases report. Joint Bone Spine. 2018;85:377-378.• Marcotti A, Miralles A, Dominguez E, Pascual E, Gomis A, Belmonte C, Peña E. Joint nociceptor nerve activity and pain in an animal model of acute gout and its modulation by intra-articular hyaluronan. Pain. 2018;159:739-748.• Pascual E, Sivera F, Andrés M. Managing Gout in the Patient with Renal Impairment. Drugs Aging. 2018;35:263-273.• Andrés M, Sivera F, Pascual E. Therapy for CPPD: Options and Evidence. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2018:19;20:31.• Calvo Aranda E, Andres M, Gonzalez Martin J, Abdelkader Abu-Sneimeh A, Carrion O, Sainz F, Garcia de la Peña P, Pascual E. Urate crystals and inflammation. Cardiovascular impact of gout. Int J Cardiol. 2018 Nov 15;271:295.• Jovani V, Blasco-Blasco M, Pascual E, Ruiz-Cantero MT. Challenges to conquer from the gender perspective in medicine: The case of spondyloarthritis. PLoS One. 2018 Oct 12;13(10):e0205751.• Andrés M, Vela P, Jovaní V, Pascual E. Most needle-shaped calcium pyrophosphate crystals lack birefringence. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2019; 58:1095.• Andrés M, Bernal JA, Arenas MD, Pascual E. Synovial fluid leukocyte count in asymptomatic hyperuricaemia with crystal deposition: a proof-of-concept study. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2019;58:1104-1105.• Richette P, Doherty M, Pascual E, Barskova V, Becce F, Castaneda J, Coyfish M, Guillo S, Jansen T, Janssens H, Lioté F, Mallen CD, Nuki G, Perez-Ruiz F, Pimentao J, Punzi L, Pywell A, So AK, Tausche AK, Uhlig T, Zavada J, Zhang W, Tubach F, Bardin T. 2018 updated European League Against Rheumatism evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis of gout. Ann Rheum Dis. 2020;79:31-38.• Pascual E, Andrés M, Sivera F. Is Remission a Valid Target for Gout? (Editorial) J Rheumatol. 2020;47:4-5.
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Su cercanía, excelente trato y compromiso vocacional dignos atributos de los grandes profesionales.
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Excelente.... Mucha profesionalidad y experiencia. Trato excepcional y muy explicativo. Muchas gracias doctor!!!