The oncologic patient
Written in association with:The cancer represents one of the greatest challenges facing medicine. On the one hand, technological advances extraordinarily facilitate the diagnosis process. And oncological research is allowing new drugs available that significantly improve the survival of our patients, so that every time we have to deal more than the health of our long survivors. & iquest, is not this a magnificent symptom ? However, we are aware that the room for improvement of our results it is evident. Patients demand the best results and we must not disappoint their legitimate expectations.
New oncology drugs
The new oncology drugs are very different. The first drug treatment of cancer start to be used in the late 60s of last century. Current molecules are much more targeted, specifically designed to alter key stages of reproduction mechanism of tumor cells and, thus, get cripple your growth and destroy tumors. They are the product of long years of research work and make incremental progress to which we must not give up because save many lives, while they are less toxic. Serve as an example of progress in the treatment of breast cancer due to specific molecular targets as treatments that block the HER2 receptor.
Attention to multidisciplinary oncology patients
Working with a large team of oncologists - each with a high profile in different specialization tumores- allowing us to offer our patients the best scientific and therapeutic approach to disease. The oncology today can not be understood without the joint, coordinated and efficient medical oncologists, surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, radiation oncologists, internists, pain physicians, hospital pharmacists, nurses specializing in oncology, etc., without neglecting the care of people. The people have the disease and they and their relatives require as much attention as the cancer itself. The medical and psychological Fundacion Oncoayuda our team will provides tools and strategies to help them cope with the various stages of the disease in the best way possible.
For the oncology patients who still have not cured my advice is to trust in Oncology today that can help them improve their prognosis and that each year there are scientific advances that we can use to their advantage. Readers who have been cured and those who fortunately are healthy would tell them to take on lifestyles and attitudes that keep them away from cancer clearly. Abstention snuff consumption, moderate alcohol consumption, regular physical exercise, safe sex, eating a healthy diet to avoid obesity and adequately protected from solar radiation tools have proven effective in preventing disease. And finally some very important advice, visit your doctor periodically for scans and tests have shown that cancer can be diagnosed early and help your healing.